Reduce costs and carbon emissions on farm with an UBCO 2x2

As featured in The Land


Farmers can now reduce their long-term fleet costs and carbon emissions thanks to UBCO's range of lightweight electric vehicles.

UBCO has created highly cost-efficient off-road and on-road utility vehicles that are lightweight, quiet, and have a low environmental impact.

Weighing just 70kg and having a peak volume of 75 decibels and range in excess of 70km, this makes it perfect for daily use on the farm or weekend adventures away from the farm.

Sheep dog trial enthusiast Scott Smith bought his UBCO just over 18 months ago for use on his small farm outside Dubbo in Australia, and for his occasional commute to work at Taronga Zoo.

"The primary reason for getting it is that I do sheep dog trialling as a hobby, and train a few outside sheepdogs for people," Mr Smith said.

"The biggest plus is it's quiet. Normally, a (fuelled) motorbike will excite the dogs who mirror the energy or noise.

"Because the UBCO is all nice and quiet, if cars are coming down the road I can call the dogs to come to the side and stop. The dogs can hear me.

"The UBCO is very safe and very easy to ride. It has no gears, you just push a button and away you go. I paid extra to buy the road registrable version so I can also ride it to work on nice, sunny days."

UBCO electric motorbikes are designed like the farm workhorse, the Honda 150cc petrol-driven engine. They are lightweight, do not tip over like quad bikes, and have no hot exhaust. Dairy farmer JJ Bruce in Northern NSW "The Channon" uses his bike for transport around the farm.

Mr Bruce said he transports light tools and equipment, and uses it to travel to check stock, water and fences, and mustering stock.

"I use the bike for five days a week and for about six kilometres a day on rough and steep farm tracks," he said.

"I had an older model work bike and found out when I was ordering parts that the newer model had 30 per cent more power and other features like dual regen braking."

Meanwhile, Pete and Ann Morgan own and operate a dairy farm in Waipa, New Zealand, which is self-contained with 510 cows peak milked and all young stock kept on farm.

The 265-hectare farm expanded its fleet to include UBCO utility bikes, which makes it easier for them to navigate paddocks and focus on the job.

The Morgans particularly appreciate the headlight, which has been incredibly effective for night checks during calving season.

"Switching from a standard bike that is noisy, heavy, scorching hot, and burns your legs on the exhaust, and makes you feel like you're fighting it the whole time, has been amazing," Mr Morgan said.

"The centre of gravity is very low because the battery is down near the ground, and most of us can lift it because it only weighs 60 kilogram - compared to 100 kilogram or more for other two-wheelers, or up to 300 kilogram for a four-wheeled vehicle.

"Everything has been pared back a pace but stepped up in terms of our involvement with the animals, and the ability to observe and experience what's really going on."

One of Mr Morgan's favourite parts of using the bike is the way it has made his workday feel simpler and more organic, particularly during the crucial checks that take place after the herd settles down for the night.

"Previously, this meant disturbing the cows again with a loud engine, and even walking between them arouses their predator-prey reflex," he said.

"There's something about the size and pace of an UBCO that lets you glide through the herd like a ghost.

"Even at night, with the big light on, they don't see a threat."

The UBCO 2x2 motorbike has front and rear wheel motors, all-wheel-drive traction, agile torque, no clutch, and a low centre of gravity. Its maximum speed is 50km/h, with a 150 kilogram payload, and a range of 70 kilometre to 120 kilometre.

A flat battery charges overnight. The bike has zero emissions, requires minimal maintenance, and its straightforward design has fewer moving parts, reducing breakdown risk. Cargo deck accessories can carry a range of farm equipment.

While the black Work Bike (farm bike) is not road registered, there is an Adventure Bike in black or white that can be registered. A green Special Edition Bike can be kitted out and registered.